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5 Things to do to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

How often do you ask yourself, how to improve hair growth? Always right? But we rarely do so much to provide that nourishment our hair badly needs.

Hair problems are not related to only women. In fact, many men also have hair issues with early balding or weak hair roots.

We get our hands on different ways to strengthen hair or make it grow faster. And oftentimes tend to damage our hair even more. In the name of style or the latest trend, we colour our hair, which damages our hair roots. And further, occur hair damage like split roots etc.

So, if you are looking for ways to make your hair grow faster, you’re not alone! Many people seek tips and tricks to get longer, fuller hair. While there’s no magic solution, there are a few things you can do to grow your hair. Whether it’s to achieve a specific style or just to have healthy, long hair.

In this blog post, we’ll share the 5 things to do to make your hair grow faster. Including dietary changes and other helpful measures.

A balanced diet is a key to healthy hair

Trying to get long and healthy hair doesn’t always have to be applying the products. Most times, it is what you eat. So what are the foods to make hair grow faster? The protein-giving foods such as fish, beans, nuts and whole grains are ideal.

If you are a vegetarian, there are alternatives to meat. Although, it is good to have a high-protein diet with the help of meat products. Maintain a diet with vitamins A, C and E. As well as minerals like zinc, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. 

Avoid shampooing daily and let it hydrate naturally

If you think shampooing daily will make your hair healthy, then you are wrong. How often you shampoo says alot about your hair’s health. Your scalp produces natural oils and shampooing regularly can only wash away the natural oils.

Washing your hair thrice a week can help natural oils penetrate into your hair. This will allow your hair to hydrate and repair. Even when choosing a shampoo, choose the ones that have ‘hair thickening’ labelled on the product.

Do not bleach your hair for the sake of style

Hair bleaching is the worst thing you can do to your hair. Sure, for the sake of chic platinum hair colour, it will definitely look great. But only if you are ready for the after-affects. When your hair is damaged from the bleaching process, it can create more complications.

Hair breakage or split ends are common damages from bleach but there are other hair damages like hair fall. Hair issues can stand between you and your beautiful hair for the longest possible time. The fewer chemicals you add to your hair, the better you will have healthy thick hair.

Add vitamins to your hair routine

These days there are many products to maintain your hair. Try adding rich vitamins to your hair for better support. Having a good diet isn’t the only contribution to healthy hair, there are supplements that can make your hair grow faster.

While choosing the right product, look for a multivitamin that is beneficial for your hair, skin and nails. Make sure the product contains essential vitamins such as biotin, C and B. These vitamins help support your hair’s health and also give you better skin.

Try to regularly massage your scalp

Lastly, massaging the scalp has a long history to improve the hair’s health. It strengthens the roots and gives long shiny hair. These days, there are head massager products that can be used both for massaging the scalp and relaxation.

Massaging the scalp can help with the blood flow as the vessels beneath the skin get dilated through the massage. It will in turn give thicker and stronger hair. If you do not have a massager machine at home, you can get a professional scalp massage. The best way to pamper yourself.

What are the factors that contribute to hair growth?


No, shampooing hair every day is not recommended. You can wash your hair without applying shampoo. Certain shampoos have chemicals that may harm your scalp, thus, leading to dryness and split ends.

There are many ways to let your hair grow faster naturally and that is by following these steps: 

  • Keep a balanced diet
  • Take rich protein food
  • Use caffeine-infused products
  • Apply natural essential oils
  • Massage your scalp regularly

Start with a warm scalp massage using natural oils. Use natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil, for scalp massage. Massaging your scalp can keep your scalp non-scally and produce stronger hair.

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